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All Lash Courses Are The Same (Aren't They?)

All Lash Courses Are The Same (Aren't They?)

One thing I've found after spending more than a decade working in the lash industry is that all too often aspiring Lash Stylists make the mistake of thinking that all lash courses are more or less the same.

After all, how hard can applying eyelash extensions really be right? You just stick them on, and that's that.

Whilst I've seen thousands enter the industry over the years, I've also seen thousands leave the industry within their first 12 months of starting their lash business.

Sad, but this is just a fact.

Yes, some just have a "change of heart" and realise the lash life isn't for them, but I know that many fail because they didn't receive adequate training or support when they first began.

It's an honest mistake, and it's not even their fault.

As the saying goes "if you don't know, you don't know". 

Joy Crossingham - LashJoy

But all lash courses are the same, aren't they?

No, they definitely are not.

Let's get real for a moment.

I've always thought it was strange that some people actually have a problem with a course that is priced higher than others but consistently produces exceptionally skilled and successful artists, but don't have a problem with a cheap course that produces underqualified workers that only serve to damage the industry's reputation.

Go figure, right?

What's even worse is that the students that attend the cheap basic training course hoping to "figure it out as they go" typically either give up after 6 months or seek more in-depth training, so they end up paying twice.

You see here's the thing, I've personally dedicated almost 1/3 of my life to this industry. Not the "beauty" industry, just the lash industry.

Since 2008 I have done nothing other than dedicate myself to mastering all aspects of lash mastery. I've sacrificed more than most will ever know, taken gigantic risks, and pushed myself outside my comfort zone every day to keep getting better.

And since 2014 I've spent on average 6+ months out of every year in a classroom sharing my expertise to empower Lash Artists of all experience levels to become some of the most successful artists in Australia.

So, when you attend a course with me you're not paying me for the "5 days"; you're paying me to teach you in 5 days what has taken me 14+ years to learn.

If you're ready to enter the lash industry and want the absolute best possible start, I can't wait to meet you at one of our upcoming Classic Lash Mastery Courses!

Joy x

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